
Showing posts from December, 2017

How Will You Define Yourself as American?

Define Yourself American Vargas and I conversing about the impact that have done for everyone.  Into this day, the big concept that been going around everywhere in political, social media, talk shows, and etc is immigration. There are pro and con with the statistics that they are posting or sayings around it. Biased have been going around this concept. Immigrants are the largest groups that are making a huge impact for the United States, but the nation overall.  On Nov. 7, we had a guest speaker in LBCC that may represent few of the students that are having a difficult at this time specially the undocumented students. Jose Antonio Vargas came to speak about "How Do You Define Yourself as an American?" These question got to me as Mexican American that I am born here in United States, but also my background comes Mexico. I will not know how to define American.  Vargas who is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, filmmaker, and immigration rights activist...